Making the Most Out of Your Mid-Month Budget
You started the month with the best intentions, you put together a realistic budget, spent the first week packing your lunches, and were feeling good about things. Then life happened. Here are a few things you can do to get through the mid-month budget fatigue and salvage what’s left of your month.
The Surprising Cost of Lunch
Depending on your situation, you may be scraping by on raman everyday or you may have an opportunity to take yourself out for a decent lunch during the workday.Lunch is an opportunity to save money. Let’s look at just what that workday lunch might be costing you and how you can curb your lunch spending.
Do You Really Need a Budget?
I’ve seen a string of articles recently that have gone against the traditional wisdom that a budget is an instrumental part of any financial planning. In part, even my budget-loving self has to admit that there is some truth to this. Not everyone NEEDS a budget, but everyone can benefit from a budget. So what should you really be getting out of your budget?
Budgeting Basics to Get You Started
Budgeting may be one of the most crucial exercises you can complete on a road to a healthy financial life, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy or intuitive process. Budgeting is work, and unfortunately there is no way around it, but there are a few options for how to approach it...