How My Father's Death Changed My Views on Finance
There’s no arguing that money can be an extremely emotional topic, but factor in a sickness or family death and those effects can be multiplied exponentially. I was 17 when my father passed away. Here are some of the ways his death helped shape my financial views along the way.
A New Addition and New Financial Challenges
Let me sum it up in one word… MOTHERHOOD. For those of you that are already raising children, I’m sure you are well versed in the triumphs and challenges of raising a family while maintaining your everyday life. With that said, I wanted to discuss some of the financial changes and challenges we made to make room for our expanding family.
Life Insurance 101
Oh, life insurance… No one likes to talk about it, and who can blame them. It’s not exactly a “sexy” topic. That being said, it’s definitely something worth talking about. Here are the basics you should know if you’re considering buying life insurance.
Family Finances: Are Your Loved Ones a Liability?
Every family seems to have one crazy uncle pushing his pyramid scheme at family dinners, but what happens when those closest to you are struggling with money? Do you open your wallet and help? Most of us don’t have tons of spare funds sitting around to get our siblings or even our parents out of a jam, so what’s the best way to deal with this?