Boost Your Savings And Learn New Skills With A Frugal February Challenge!
Because February is the shortest month of the year, it’s the perfect time for a fun challenge that will not only help you learn some new money-saving skills but also help you make some headway on your financial goals.
An Update on My Shopping Ban: Six Months In
Back in January I set the goal that I wouldn’t buy any new clothes for entire year, and I’m happy to report that so far I have been able to stick with it! Along the way, however, I have made a few discoveries that were a bit surprising, and I’m excited to share them with you.
3 Ways to Curb Your Online Shopping
We all have unique spending triggers and different ways we like to spend money. Whether it’s ordering baby diapers on Amazon or shopping for a new dress to wear for a friend’s wedding, online shopping can often be a little too convenient. If you struggle with keeping your online shopping in check, here are a few tips to help you curb your spending habits.
My Personal 2018 Spending Challenge
Today I’m getting personal in the hopes that by sharing one of my goals for this year, I will hold myself accountable and maybe even inspire some others to challenge themselves in the process. In 2018 I have given myself an interesting challenge and I’m so excited to tell you more about it.