How to Calculate Your Financial Runway
If you’ve ever tried to figure out how long you could go without working then you know all about a financial runway. Whether you’re looking to extend your maternity leave or start a business, it’s the same concept. How long can you keep going before you hit your comfort threshold and dip below your sweet spot when it comes to savings? Here’s a guide and template to help you calculate your financial runway.
Financial Moves to Make When You’re Switching Jobs
Switching jobs can be a stressful and exciting process. However, there are also some extra financial factors at play that deserve some attention. Here we discuss a few financial considerations to make that you may have forgotten about.
Three Dangerous Retail Practices That Can Cost You
Retailers are attempting to keep their sales up by making it easier and easier to pay for items, and it’s not hard to get sucked into these traps if you’re not paying attention. To help you make wiser spending decisions we’ll highlight three financing methods and what you should look out for.
What Is a Money Coach and Do You Need One?
Today, there is a real focus on educating the consumer and helping you to understand exactly how you can take control of your finances, and this is where a money coach can really come in handy. Learn more about what a money coach can do for you.
Money Challenges Among Millennials
So much has been written about millennials and our finances, but like any other generation there’s a range of extremes that may or may not apply to such a huge group of the population. That being said, there are some very real challenges that face this generation. Here we tackle some of the biggest challenges millennials face and address what can be done about them.
Making Sense of Your Paycheck
Have you ever gotten a new job or a raise only to realize that when payday rolls around you’re taking home a whole lot less than you were expecting? Have you ever thought, “why is my paycheck so small?” While we all expect to pay taxes on our wages, most people couldn’t tell you what all of the line items on their paystub are. Here we cover some of the most common items affecting your take-home pay.
How to Reframe Your Money Mindset
There’s a lot of emotions that go along with money. So many of our highs and lows can be connected to our finances. Today, there is starting to be a greater focus on financial wellness, and one element of this is your money mindset. How do you think about money and how could reframing your thoughts help you live a happier and more financially sound life?
Why I Assume My Identity Has Been Stolen: And What I Do About It
Between the Equifax and Target data breaches, whether you’re making a purchase online or in person, your information is at risk. As a result, I’ve taken the stance that I will always assume that my information is out there on the dark web for anyone to use, and here’s what I do about it.
Zero-Sum Budgeting: How to Make It Work for You
For most people budgeting is not a fun exercise, but not all budgets are created equal. Today we spend some time talking about the zero-sum budget, how it works, and why it may help bring you closer to your goals
Making the Most Out of Your Mid-Month Budget
You started the month with the best intentions, you put together a realistic budget, spent the first week packing your lunches, and were feeling good about things. Then life happened. Here are a few things you can do to get through the mid-month budget fatigue and salvage what’s left of your month.
Four Reasons Your Budget Fails
If you’ve ever made a budget, you know just how hard it is to stick with it. You may fail month after month to meet your monthly goals, and you’re definitely not alone in that camp. Life will always throw a wrench into your plans no matter how good your intentions may be, but there are some reasons your budget might be failing time and time again. Below we highlight four of the most common reasons and how to troubleshoot them.
Four Ways to Save Money Without Impacting Your Lifestyle
Saving money is always a good goal, yet often we’d rather focus on our immediate needs and wants rather than our long-term financial picture. But saving money and enjoying your current lifestyle don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Here are four ways to save that won’t impact your enjoyment of your everyday life.
The Hidden Cost of Pets
It’s time for a confession: I am an animal hoarder. After decades of pet ownership, I am now extremely qualified to share with you just how expensive these companions can be and how you can factor that into your decision making process on whether you are ready for the responsibility on a financial level.
The Surprising Cost of Lunch
Depending on your situation, you may be scraping by on raman everyday or you may have an opportunity to take yourself out for a decent lunch during the workday.Lunch is an opportunity to save money. Let’s look at just what that workday lunch might be costing you and how you can curb your lunch spending.
Why I Don’t Have an “Extreme Money Story”
In the age of blogging, it seems that the most outrageous or awe-inspiring stories often make their way to the top of the news, and for good reason. We want to feel inspired to do better. The problem comes when trying to live your life as others do if it’s not what fits you or your lifestyle best.